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Tips for Selecting a Home Care Agency

Choosing the right home care agency for a loved one can be a daunting task. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. However, by considering a few key factors, you can make an informed decision and find a home care agency that meets your loved one’s unique needs.

  1. Determine Your Loved One’s Needs

Before you start searching for a home care agency, it’s important to determine your loved one’s specific needs. Are they recovering from an injury or surgery? Do they have a chronic illness? Are they dealing with cognitive decline? Understanding your loved one’s situation and the level of care they require will help you narrow down your search and find an agency that offers the appropriate services.

  1. Research Home Care Agencies

Once you know what type of care your loved one requires, you can start researching home care agencies. Look for agencies that specialize in the type of care your loved one needs, such as dementia care or post-surgery care. You can also ask for referrals from friends, family, or healthcare providers.

  1. Check the Agency’s Reputation

When choosing a home care agency, it’s essential to check their reputation. Look for reviews online, and ask the agency for references from previous clients. You can also check the agency’s accreditation and licensing status to ensure that they meet the necessary standards.

  1. Consider the Caregiver’s Qualifications

The caregiver who will be providing care for your loved one is a crucial factor to consider. Ask the agency about their caregiver screening process and training. Look for agencies that employ caregivers who are licensed, bonded, and insured. You should also consider the caregiver’s experience and expertise in providing care for your loved one’s specific needs.

  1. Evaluate the Agency’s Communication and Support

Effective communication and support are essential for a successful home care experience. Look for an agency that provides clear and consistent communication with you and your loved one. They should also have a support system in place to address any concerns or issues that arise.

In conclusion, selecting a home care agency is an important decision that requires careful consideration. By understanding your loved one’s needs, researching agencies, checking their reputation, considering caregiver qualifications, and evaluating their communication and support, you can find an agency that provides the high-quality care your loved one deserves.

When should seniors stop driving?

As people age, their driving abilities may decline due to a number of factors such as slower reflexes, vision problems, cognitive impairment, and medical conditions. This can raise concerns about their safety on the road and the safety of other drivers and pedestrians. However, giving up driving can also mean a loss of independence and mobility, which can be a difficult transition for seniors. So, when should seniors stop driving?

The decision to stop driving should be based on an individual’s driving ability, not just their age. Some seniors may be able to drive safely well into their 80s or 90s, while others may need to stop driving earlier due to medical conditions or cognitive impairment. Family members and caregivers can play an important role in monitoring seniors’ driving abilities and assessing whether it’s time for them to stop driving.

Here are some signs that may indicate it’s time for a senior to stop driving:

  1. Difficulty with basic driving tasks: This may include trouble with braking or accelerating, staying in the correct lane, and maintaining a safe speed.
  2. Getting lost or disoriented while driving: Seniors who get lost or confused while driving may be experiencing cognitive decline or memory problems.
  3. Increased accidents or near-misses: If a senior has been involved in multiple accidents or near-misses, it may be a sign that their driving skills have declined.
  4. Difficulty seeing or hearing: Vision and hearing problems can make it difficult for seniors to drive safely, especially in low-light conditions or when navigating busy streets.
  5. Medication side effects: Some medications can cause drowsiness, confusion, or other side effects that can impair driving abilities.

If a senior is experiencing any of these issues, it may be time to have a conversation about their driving abilities and consider alternative transportation options. Family members and caregivers can work together to find alternative transportation options such as public transportation, ride-sharing services, or volunteer driving programs.

It’s important to approach this conversation with empathy and understanding, as giving up driving can be a difficult transition for seniors. Encourage seniors to express their concerns and feelings, and work together to find solutions that meet their transportation needs while ensuring their safety on the road.

In conclusion, there is no set age at which seniors should stop driving. The decision to stop driving should be based on an individual’s driving ability and any medical or cognitive issues that may impair their ability to drive safely. Family members and caregivers can play an important role in monitoring seniors’ driving abilities and finding alternative transportation options when it’s time for them to stop driving.

Alzheimer’s Disease and Sleeping Issues

Caring for someone who has Alzheimer’s disease can be tough. They experience all sorts of issues including sleeping issues. Many people who have this disease have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. There are many reasons for this that you and their caregivers should be aware of.

Trouble Sleeping

Your elderly loved one might have trouble sleeping. If you have noticed they have had changes in the way that they fall asleep or stay asleep, it is time to find out what the issue might be. The first thing to note is that this disease, alone, can cause people to have trouble sleeping. There is something in their brain that causes sleep disruptions. It could be they are feeling restless or anxious before going to bed. Whatever the issue might be, these troubles sleeping should be addressed.

You should pay attention to how your loved one is behaving. Pay attention to how they are acting before bedtime. If they seem anxious about something, find a solution for their anxiety. You should also be sure that your loved one gets ready for bed 15 – 30 minutes before their bedtime. This way they can get laid down and situated before it is time to fall asleep.

Sundowning Syndrome

Sundowning is when your elderly loved one displays negative behaviors around sundown and through the night. Sometimes there are medications that the doctor will prescribe to help manage the sundowning symptoms.

You should also make sure your loved one’s sleeping environment is as comfortable as possible. Increasing the activities they do during the day can help to tire them out for nighttime, as well. Lastly, you and your loved one’s caregivers should make sure they don’t have electronics during the evening or nighttime.


Your loved one might also experience hallucinations that make it difficult for them to fall asleep. They may see things in their bedroom that make them scared to fall asleep. It might seem as if the shadows are strangers in their house. This can be very frightening for your elderly loved one.

If your loved one is experiencing hallucinations, the first thing to do is make sure they talk to their doctor about it. In addition, you should make sure the corners of their rooms are lit. This will prevent them from seeing things in the dark. You should also make sure there aren’t any noises that could be deemed as scary throughout the home at nighttime.

These are some of the sleeping issues that your elderly loved one might have with Alzheimer’s disease. Be sure you and their caregivers do your best to understand what they are going through and help them in any way that you can.


When you are in need of care for a senior loved one, consider caregivers provided by Golden Heart Senior Care. We have offices nationwide. 

The Advantages Of In-Home Caregivers

There is an increasing understanding of the benefits of home care for seniors. Having in-home help services allows seniors to remain in their own home or the home of a loved one and stay in a comfortable, familiar setting for as long as possible.

Senior home care providers are trained, compassionate and caring professionals who assist the senior to live as independently as possible while staying safe, secure, and connected to professionals on a regular basis. The advantage of home care services at home ensures the senior has their needs met while also providing socialization, interactions, and support with things around the house.

The Benefits of In-Home Care

Moving to an assisted living facility can be a challenge for many seniors. They may have the ability to stay at home with support, and they are not yet ready to give up their independence and their connection with their neighborhood, community, friends, and family.

One of the key advantages of home care is the connection with familiar surroundings and people. This helps seniors to stay socially active and engaged while still having the advantage of in-home care services for seniors. Another factor to consider is the peace of mind provided for the family. They know their loved one is cared for and has access to the services they need.

Senior home care benefits also include support with personal hygiene and helping seniors to feel good about themselves with the assistance of compassionate caregivers. With the option to customize senior in-home care and assistance, the caregivers at Golden Heart Senior Care provide the services needed by the individual to stay at home and live an independent life. This is perhaps the key to recognizing the importance of home care for the elderly.

The question of why in-home care is important is about the quality of life for the senior. The benefits of the elderly living at home and maintaining their independence are possible through our customized services. To find out more about senior care for your loved one, call us at 623-748-3301.

Questions To Ask About In-Home Care

Family members or seniors in search of home care services are often overwhelmed with the choices available for an in-home care provider. Determining which in-home nursing care is best can be simplified by doing a bit of online research and interviewing various home healthcare providers before making a final decision.

The following questions are helpful in understanding how each provider offers services and what you can expect.

  • What Is Home Care? – home care can range from companionship services to more comprehensive nursing care at home. Most providers offer different levels of support based on the needs of the senior.
  • Who Qualifies for Home Care? – home care is available to anyone who requires assistance and care. While the majority of our services are provided to seniors, other individuals may also qualify for short or long-term home care. A quick call to our team will assist you in determining the care services you require.
  • How to Get Home Care? – to qualify for in-home care, start with a call to the experts at Golden Heart Senior Care.
  • What Services Does Home Care Provide? – the services provided are customized to the needs of the individual. These can include assistance with daily tasks as well as nutrition and personal care services.
  • What Does Home Care Do for Patients? – caregivers assist patients with all aspects of life, including meal preparation, transportation, companionship, and personal care.
  • How Does Home Care Work? – home care is designed to support seniors living safely and independently for as long as possible.
  • What Are the Benefits of Home Care? – Seniors can stay at home in familiar surroundings and enjoy the support, companionship, and professional care offered by trained caregivers.

To learn more about the in-home care services Golden Heart Senior Care provides, call us today at 623-748-3301.

7 Practical Tips For Effective Elderly Home Care

At Golden Heart, our goal is to support your loved ones and your family in providing exceptional home health care service. All of our home care services are selected to provide the customized solutions you need for in-home care for elderly loved ones.

When planning senior home care services, there are several practical tips to consider. Our home health services can work with you to tailor our senior home care services to your specific needs.

1. Hire top home healthcare providers – this ensures the home health aide working with your loved one has the training, skills, and experience needed.

2. Create a routine – home care for seniors with memory loss, Alzheimer’s, or dementia should start with a predictable daily routine.

3. Consider safety issues – home health care agencies can help you spot potential issues in the home such as loose rugs, the need for safety bars in the bathroom, or other safety features.

4. Keep things simple – don’t over plan or do too much in one day, keep things simple to reduce stress and give you time for yourself.

5. Get home care help – from light housework to meal prep and daily care, our home health caregivers are here to help.

6. Assess needs – our home health agency staff constantly assess the needs of their clients. This allows us to make suggestions and provide resources for the family.

7. Understand the care needed – as the elderly age, health services may increase to deal with ongoing medical issues. Our staff will work with the family to report any changes noted.

Our home health professionals work with you to provide exceptional care at home. We are here to support your needs and those of your elderly loved ones.

The Importance Of Respite Care

It is important for many families to care for aging parents in their own homes. Having the ability to keep parents at home and surrounded by people that love them has a positive impact on their mental health and wellbeing.

At the same time, families can find the additional challenges of managing young children and busy schedules difficult to integrate with their role as a caregiver for elderly parents. This can lead to burnout, stress, and increased challenges for the whole family.

Adding Respite Care

Golden Heart provides respite care services from a trusted local home health provider. These respite services are provided in your own home, allowing your parent or parents to stay in a familiar setting. Respite care at home provides trusted Medicare caregivers who provide companionship and support throughout their stay.

Respite care for elderly individuals from Golden Heart is customized for your needs. This could include a small break throughout the day or spending a longer block of time to allow you to get away and relax. With either option, you have the peace of mind in knowing your loved ones are well-cared for while you are away.

Our respite providers are trained professionals who provide the services needed for your parents while you are away. Senior respite care services can include assistance with meal preparation, light housekeeping, and personal care support.

Respite care for caregivers helps you to spend time with your family while knowing respite care providers are caring for your elderly parents. Scheduling respite care at home allows you to recharge your batteries and find time for yourself.

4 Important Things You May Not Know About In-Home Care

Many people are not fully aware of the various aspects and features of in-home care, including who usually needs it, options available with it, how it can be paid for, and other benefits. At Golden Heart Senior Care, we offer a range of elderly care services for our clients, including respite care, assisted in-home care, and more.

A Break for Family Caretakers

Respite care is one of the features of in-home care that gives one or more caregivers within the family the opportunity to rest and get replenished from taking care of their loved one. During this time, a professional in-home caregiver can provide the necessary care. This arrangement also benefits the recipient of the care when his or her primary caregiver has received the relaxation and rest needed to provide assistance and care once again.

Reduces Hospital Readmissions

Much evidence indicates that individuals who receive care in-home are less likely to experience a serious health event while receiving care at home as opposed to in a critical health care environment. This helps reduce the level of readmissions to the hospital.

Flexible Options Are Available

When receiving in-home care, it is important to have a customized plan to meet your loved one’s individual needs. A unique in-home care plan can cater to a person’s specific preferences, condition, and abilities. The caregiver needs to listen to the client and be a good match. This involves asking the client what matters to them, what they need, what they like to do, and other pertinent questions to help assess the type of care required. From this information, an experienced in-home care service can provide the flexibility to deliver a care plan that will meet the client’s care needs.

There Are Many Ways to Pay

It is possible to pay for in-home care outside of using your personal savings. Veterans and spouses of veterans have access to benefits that may cover in-home care. Some life insurance and long-term care insurance may also cover the services. A family member may be able to receive payment from a Medicare recipient as part of providing caregiving services. The various payment options can be complicated to research, but taking advantage of a program that minimizes the stresses on the recipient of the care and the caregiver can certainly be worthwhile.

For information about the home care services we offer at Golden Heart Senior Care, give us a call today at 623.748.3301 or complete our contact form.

Should You Be Worried About Novel Coronavirus?

You’ve seen a lot of information about novel coronavirus in the news. The World Health Organization deemed it a global health emergency. Should you be worried?

It’s not very likely that your parents will get this virus. Those who have tested positive have typically been in the Wuhan region of China prior to contracting the virus. Here’s what you should know about this respiratory illness.

What is Novel Coronavirus?

The novel coronavirus is a respiratory illness that was originally believed to be spread from animals to humans, but it’s been found that it is spreading between people. It spreads just like the flu does. Exposure to the spray from someone’s cough or sneeze is a likely route of transmission. The disease can take 2 to 14 days to develop after exposure.

Symptoms are going to remind you of the flu. They are:

  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Shortness of breath

As it is a virus, there are no medications that can cure it. If your parents do come down with it, they may be put on antibiotics if a secondary infection, such as pneumonia, develops.

Older People Are More Susceptible to Severe Symptoms

Older adults with secondary chronic health conditions like asthma and heart disease have a higher risk of developing severe symptoms. It’s also easy to keep the spread of the disease down by washing hands regularly, using a tissue to blow the nose and immediately throwing it away, and wearing a protective mask if traveling or in an area where ill people are likely to be present.

If your parents develop a cough or other symptoms, you should talk to their doctor about what to do next. Keeping them home, making sure they stay hydrated, and watching for signs of pneumonia is important.

U.S. Cases Are Spread Out and Not as Numerous as You’d Think

While there is a concern, especially if your parents have traveled overseas, the number of positive novel coronavirus cases in the U.S. isn’t that high. A total of 241 people have reported having the symptoms. Of those tested, almost half have been found to be something else. Eight people have tested positive for the virus as of February 1st. Other tests are still pending.

The states that have had one or more positive cases include Arizona, California, Illinois, Massachusetts, and Washington. The people who are testing positive for the virus had recently traveled to China.

Statistically, your parents are not likely to get the virus if they haven’t traveled recently or spent time with one of the infected people. They’re more likely to get a chest cold or the flu. If that happens, senior care services can help them during recovery.

With senior care aides helping your parents with meals, housework, and other daily chores, your parents can rest, drink plenty of fluids, and have the help they need to feel better.


If you are considering senior care in Sun City West, AZ, for an aging loved one, contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care. Call today (623) 748-3301.

What Does it Look Like When Mobility Is Contributing to Safety Issues?

Your elderly family member’s ability to be mobile has a huge impact on her ability to do the things that she loves and wants to do. It also has a massive impact on her overall safety. Talk with your senior’s doctor about what can be done to assist your senior with mobility issues and be on the lookout for these major signs that mobility is having a bigger effect than you realize.

Your Senior’s Appearance or How She Keeps Her Home Are Different

Your elderly family member’s method of dress or other personal hygiene might be different now than it always has been. Likewise, her home may be showing signs that it’s difficult for her to take care of cleaning it properly. These are surface signs, but they can point to your senior’s difficulty in moving well or in the ways that she needs to in order to keep up with these tasks.

Look for Stacks of Mail

When mail starts to pile up, that can mean that your elderly family member isn’t keeping up with what’s coming to her mailbox at all. That could mean that bills or other important correspondence are mixed in with junk mail and other bits of mail. Sorting through these piles could take more time and energy than your senior thinks she has, or it could be physically difficult for her to do on her own. Regardless, she is going to need a new system.

Food Is a Powerful Indicator

The state of your senior’s refrigerator and pantry can tell you so much about what’s going on with her health. She may have sparse cupboards, which can be an indication that she’s not getting out to the grocery store at all. Another issue could be that on the surface it looks like she has plenty of food on hand, but that food is either close to expiring or is actually expired. These are all bad signs and a big indicator that your elderly family member needs more help.

Check for Burned out Light Bulbs

This might seem a little bit on the “not a big deal” side of the equation, but it’s important to look for burned out light bulbs. These can tell you a lot more than you might realize. For starters, it can mean that your senior either doesn’t have replacement bulbs and hasn’t felt confident in getting them. But it can also mean that changing that dead bulb out for a new one is too difficult for her to do. Either way, it’s a problem.

Keeping a lookout for these types of signs can help you to spot when your senior’s life and health might be changing more than either of you are ready to experience. Hiring elderly care providers is an excellent way to ensure that your senior has assistance with mobility concerns and with some of these smaller tasks that are getting away from her.

If you are considering elderly care in Goodyear, AZ, for an aging loved one, contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care. Call today (623) 748-3301.